Elections enable you to have a say on important issues that affect you - from education and climate change to housing and transport.

UK Elections

Elections enable you to have a say on important issues that affect you - from education and climate change to housing and transport.

The last UK General Election was held on 4 July 2024

As a student, it's important that you use your vote and get your voice heard.

Emmanuel explains how the UK General Election works and what you need to do to prepare.

Why should students care about voting?

Your vote can influence policies affecting education, housing, and employment.

Your vote can ensure your voice is heard and your interests are represented.

Your vote can effect change, hold politicians accountable, and protect your rights.

Your vote can shape your future and the future of your country.

Prepare to vote

  1. Register to vote

    You must register to vote to be able to have your say in UK elections.

    The deadline to register to vote on 4 July has now passed.

  2. Get photo ID

    You'll need specific photo ID to vote in person or to vote as a proxy to someone else.

    Check photo ID requirements

  3. Cast your vote

    Familiarise yourself with what to expect on the day and how to cast your vote; in person, by proxy, or via postal vote.

    Learn how to vote on the day

International student?

If you're an international student studying in the UK, you may be eligible to vote in UK elections.

Guide to voting as an international student

We can't tell you who to vote for, but we can tell you it's important to be as informed as possible when casting your vote.

Typically, voters choose representatives whose views align with their own.

Based on our knowledge about what's most important to Hallam students, we'd suggest looking into the following topics:

  • General Cost of Living support
  • Maintenance loan increase and revival of the maintenance grant
  • International student VISA support
  • Transport affordability
  • Renter reform

You can easily check your MP's current stance on these topics and find out where each political party stands on a variety of other issues.

  • NUS Vote Matcher - Find out which political parties you agree with most
  • Find your current MP to see how they voted on specific historic issues
  • Find candidates you can vote for in your local area
  • Attend a local hustings event to see MP candidates debate and answer questions from their constituents. If you've not heard enough about things that matter to you, make sure you attend and submit a question. We'll update this webpage with any hustings events we know about!