You deserve to get the best degree possible – and have the best time doing so. Our reps make that their priority.

Together, we're your direct line to decision makers at the uni. We're here to listen to you. To fight for you. To get your voice heard by those who need to hear it.

You can count on us to stand up for you in challenging times. And to stand with you to make change.

Whatever you need, we're your people.

HSU Officers

You elect us to represent you, and to make sure the uni is paying attention to your concerns.

Meet your Officers

Your six officers stood in a group, smiling at the camera

Course Reps

We check in on how things are going and share your thoughts with lecturers and tutors.

Course Reps hub

Department Reps

When your course reps pinpoint an issue, we take it up with those in the position to make change.

Department Reps hub

Find my Rep

Get to know who’s championing your interests at uni.

Find your Reps

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