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We are here to ensure every voice at Hallam is heard and the need for a strong and stable Union has never been greater.
A Student Officer sat looking confidently at the camera

The steps we take from here will allow us to create a future that truly challenges the status quo - a future where EVERY student shapes their own experiences and finds a place within a strong society that supports them.

Significant work has gone into the development of our 2020 - 2025 Strategy so far. But more than anything it is founded on what you have told us we need to focus on, withdraw and improve and we are determined to make sure this plan doesn't simply live on a shelf in the HUBS.

By 2025 we will...

Provide you with a stronger and more effective democratic representation model to improve your academic experience.

Deliver solid campaigns to support student rights and wellbeing and make it simpler to access expert advice on university life.

Establish stable and supportive SU student communities and embed them (and the SU) at the heart of Sheffield.

Work together to ensure environmental sustainability is always front of mind.

Explore our interactive timeline and find out exactly what steps we are taking to pave the way forward for a new kind of SU.

Watch the video

Our Strategy video solidifies the aims and assurances we are devoted to achieving. From creating safe spaces for students to explore and connect, to campaigning for more comprehensive mental health support and fighting for better value from academic fees. And that's simply scratching the surface!


Our proposals are based on a variety of surveys and feedback submitted over past academic years (including significant study of the SHSU Strategic Survey) which we used, along with other data sets such as the National Student Survey (NSS), to generate an evaluation of our existing operation. This then shaped a shared vision for the task at hand and challenges we now face.

We've since run a number of co-creation workshops with students and staff across Hallam to ensure our visions and values are truly grassroots led and have been busy sharing our growth through social media and wider cross-campus networks. So that we can understand how our new Strategy fits into university life.


Participation from every member of our 30,000 strong society is the only way we can become the Union you deserve us to be.

If you have any questions or comments about the Students' Union Strategy, we would love to hear them (the good and bad).

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