Black History Month celebrates black heritage and culture, recognising contributions from African and Caribbean individuals to British history, and addressing issues surrounding racial equality and justice. The first UK Black History Month in 1987, led by Akyaaba Addai-Sebo, marked the 150th anniversary of the abolition of slavery in the Caribbean. It aimed to confront racism and highlight the history of black communities within the UK. October was chosen for its historical significance and educational impact.

This year's theme, 'Celebrating our Sisters', honors black women's invaluable contributions, resilience, and achievements, highlighting their role in creating an inclusive and equitable future.


A photograph of Emmanuel Takyi looking into the distance.

"Black History Month is not just a time to reflect on the past, but also an opportunity to actively support positive change in the present and future. I believe it's about celebrating achievements, recognising challenges, and working towards a more inclusive and equitable society year-round."

Emmanuel Owusu Takyi, International Students' Officer

At HSU, Black History Month holds significant importance to us for several reasons:

  • Diversity and Inclusivity: Promotes diversity and inclusivity on campus, creating an environment where all students feel valued.
  • Education and Awareness: Educates students about black history, enriching their understanding and knowledge.
  • Engagement and Empowerment: Encourages meaningful conversations about race, identity, and social justice.
  • Celebration of Achievement: Serves as an avenue to celebrate the achievements of black students, faculty, and alumni.
  • Community Building: Fosters a sense of community among students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Advocacy and Social Change: Inspires efforts to combat racism and promote equality.
  • Inspiration for Future Leaders: Encourages participation in creating a more equitable society.

Your BAME Ambassadors

We employ BAME Ambassadors to run year-round campaigns, events, and projects on current issues and barriers facing BAME students at university.


Aidah Shah look at the camera - they have long dark hair and are wearing small hoop earrings and a black t-shirt

Aidah Shah

BAME Project Coordinator

"I am excited to address the challenges that BAME students face during their academic journey, including issues related to the degree awarding gap."

Damilare Oyetunji smiling and looking past the camera - they have a black beard and are wearing a headwrap and a black shirt

Damilare Oyetunji

BAME Project Coordinator

"My focus primarily will be on ensuring the decolonisation of our curriculum and the development of a well-researched anti-racist students' union manifesto."

Find out more about the work of our BAME Ambassadors.