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Department Reps

You can give feedback on more than just your classes! We have student representatives (reps) for both your course and your department. These reps are there to listen to your concerns and support you throughout your studies.
A student smiling at the camera, lit behind by orange and blue lights

Department Reps listen to concerns from your Course Reps and raise any issues that are wider-spread in higher level meetings, to ensure staff can change things that affect as many students as possible. They work for us, your Students' Union, so we make sure they know everything they need to know to support you every year.

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You can also browse the following list to find your Department Rep, if you'd prefer.

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Business Technology and Engineering

Joba Fatola

Engineering and Maths
Harry Saxton

Finance, Accounting and Business Systems
Abimbola Joseph

Milly Collyer

Service Sector Management
Shannon Parkes

Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Allied Health Professions
Tom Grapes

Biosciences and Chemistry
Abi Marchant

Nursing and Midwifery
Aimee Hastings

Social Care, Social Work and Community Studies
Mollie Ellis

Academy of Sport and Physical Activity
Layla Barrett

Social Sciences and Arts

Art and Design
Wren Foster

Natural and Built Environment
Eve Anderson

Komal Singh

Institute of Education
Yusuf Nawaz

Law and Criminology
Wiktoria Bernat

Media, Arts and Communications
Sai Naing

Psychology, Sociology and Politics
Obianulu Michelle Osamor