Disabled Students' Committee

Hello Hallam!

We are the disabled student's committee!
Disabled Students Rep - Kashmire Hawker - uusdisabledstudents@shu.ac.uk.
President - Betsy-Jane Byrne - B3030914@my.shu.ac.uk
Secretary -  Norah Lovelock - B6012306@my.shu.ac.uk
Treasurer - Elinor Coakley - Elinor.coakley5@gmail.com
Outreach Officer - Matthew Green - B404014@my.shu.ac.uk

We are here as Hallam representatives to ensure that all disabled students have a voice!  Between us we have Autism, learning difficulties, Asperger's, Diabetes and mental illnesses. This means we may need special measures for us put in place in order to achieve to the standard of someone without a learning difficulty, but we are strong, united and we are here to improve the quality of lives for all Hallam students despite disability. We are all very much looking forward to working with you and with a united voice, we are confident what we can do will benefit a huge number of students, and here's how…

Our First Campaign!
The first (of many) campaigns we ran was called 'Me and My Disability'.
We hope to be able to offer students a chance to have their say, a section of their learning contract wrote by them to explain on a need to know basis, how their disability personally affects them, as everyone is different.
We also plan on having lectures educated on all different kinds of disability to remove any accidental prejudice which may be caused just due to lack of understanding!
We're going to be running sessions, have guest speakers and a whole lot more!

Interested? Or any ideas you have? Get in touch! Keep checking this page for updates and don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions, concerns, ideas or suggestions at any time.

Lots of love,

       Your Disabled Students Committee