We are absolutely delighted to announce the two winners of our LGBTQ+ Mural Competition as Georgia d’Eca and Olivia Tate! Georgia’s “Be Yourself” Mural and Olivia’s “Pride is Still a Riot” Mural will be installed at City and Collegiate campus in late September, so watch this space! We can’t wait to see how they look!
The LGBTQ+ Mural Project came from student Archie-Lee Irving - here are some thoughts from him:
How did the project come to be?
"Upon arriving at University, I was surprised at the lack of LGBTQ+ representation and wanted to make a change, so I approached the students' union and proposed pride murals across campus so that the walls of the University represent the students. I also recommended we get students involved and make it a competition. We had meetings and discussed the finer details of the project, and the student union was more than happy to take the project on board!"
How you feel about the project now?
"I approached this project not really knowing if I would be taken seriously, let alone actual change being made, and so I am ecstatic to know the project is in the final stages and it is going to be a reality! The amazing admissions we received from students shows the passion for this project. I’m so pleased the student union heard me out and believed in my idea, working with me every step of the way to see it through. I am also grateful to be able to give back to the LGBTQ+ community and I hope that future students feel represented when they come to Sheffield Hallam."
We have been overwhelmed by all the amazing entries we have received for this competition – thank you to everyone who submitted a design! Hallam is home to so many incredible artists and we’ve been so lucky to see so many great entries from students. This has been a brilliant joint project between the SU and the university. Check out all the entries below!
Georgia d’Eca:
Instagram: @decageorgia
Olivia Tate:
Instagram: @Olivia_tatedesign

Shortlist: (listed in no particular order)
Ami Jones
Instagram: ami.violett.art

JJ Eteson
Instagram: @jjeteson
Lucy Waddingham:
Intsagram: @lucyfound.art
About Edward Carpenter (pictured) “Mainly remembered now as the granddaddy of gay rights campaigning - living openly with his lover and writing bravely about it - he was also an advocate of socialism, anarchism, feminism, vegetarianism, clothes reform and teetotalism. He opposed imperialism, vivisection, war and capital punishment. He travelled widely, writing sympathetically about India and Ceylon. He believed in nude sunbathing, trade unions and the value of having your piano in the kitchen. And of course sandals, which he designed, made and popularised.” Pictured with his partner George Merril.
- Description from artist.
Rien Rajwadi

Other Entries (listed in no particular order):
Nina Vezzoni:

Ryan Wegg:
Instagram: r.a.w.designs

Hitenkumar Patel

Murphy Askin

Holly Johnson
Ellis Hutton
Instagram: elico_fashio_and_craft

Aiyana Webster Harrison