Buses, Maintenance Loans & Housing

student rights

For the past two years we've been lobbying on key cost of living topics, including bus fair prices, increasing the maintenance loan (but with preference to bringing back maintenance grants) and affordable housing.

With the release of our 2024 Cost of Living report, based on our spring survey that 2284 Hallam students filled out, we're prioritising these areas, alongside a student employability strategy. 

Our aims: 

  • The South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority to bring back the Zoom Pass for ALL students across South Yorkshire, both on trams and buses. So students can get £1 fares. 
  • The Government will increase maintenance loan thresholds to be properly in line with the cost of living. Did you know Universities UK now estimate for students to have a decent standard of living outside London they should be getting £18,000 a year? And yet most students don't even recieve half of that. 
  • Create a Student Employability Strategy. Even with a maintenance loan increase, most students at Hallam will still have to work. We want to put effort into finding you well paying, stable and reliable jobs near campus, helping reduce your commuting costs and financial worries. 
  • We want to keep our affordable housing stock. Sheffield is one of the only student cities in the country that actually has an excess of beds, this means landlords should be trying to make their homes preferable to you, because there are another 1000 spare beds you can choose from. We'll also be keeping an eye on Parliament if the Renter Reform Bill comes back into discussion witht the formation of the new government. 


Sheffield Students' Assembly 

The Sheffield Students' Assembly is a dynamic and interactive event providing students with a unique opportunity to engage directly with their local councillors, mayor, and members of parliament to address pressing student issues. The gathering aims to foster a productive dialogue between the student community and our elected representatives, creating a platform for meaningful change.

At the Sheffield Students' Assembly, you can:

  1. Voice your concerns: Share your thoughts and concerns about student-related matters, such as housing, tuition fees, public transportation, mental health support, and more.
  2. Engage with local decision-makers: Connect with your local councillors, mayor, and members of parliament on a personal level. Ask questions, seek clarification, and advocate for the changes you'd like to see in your city and region.
  3. Collaborate with peers: Meet like-minded students who are passionate about making a difference in the community. Collaborate on projects, initiatives, and advocacy efforts to drive positive change.
  4. Stay informed: Gain valuable insights into the policies and decisions that affect students in Sheffield. Stay informed about the political landscape and how it impacts your education and wellbeing.
  5. Network and build connections: Expand your network by interacting with elected officials, fellow students, and representatives from student organisations. Build connections that can help you advocate for student rights and needs effectively.

The Sheffield Students' Assembly is a non-partisan event that welcomes students from all backgrounds and beliefs. It is an inclusive space for open and respectful discussions on issues that matter to you. We believe that by coming together, we can influence local policies and bring about positive changes that enhance the student experience in Sheffield.

Want to be part of a movement that empowers students and helps shape the future of education and student life in Sheffield? Your voice matters, and together, we can create a stronger, more student-friendly community.

Mark your calendars, and we look forward to seeing you at the Sheffield Students' Assembly. Let your voice be heard and make a difference!

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Upcoming dates - 2024-25 Dates TBC!!