Free Period Products

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Period Subscription Scheme - funded by donations to the Hallam Fund from alumni, staff, and friends of Sheffield Hallam University.

We want to stop menstruation from being a barrier to you living your lives and accessing academia, so we've created a free monthly subscription to period products for our students.

In each bag you will receive a supply of 10 tampons & 10 pads for each month in discreet packaging. Usually you will be given 3-4 months' worth at a time. Once signed up you will be sent information about when, where, and how to collect your free products. You will be sent reminder emails before each set of collection dates - failure to collect twice will lead to your removal from the scheme.

UPDATE - Sign up list is now full

We're no longer accepting sign-ups as we are now at full capacity. If this is something you'd like us to open up to more students, please share your experience so we can hear your feedback.

Your data will only be used for the purpose of administering and reporting on the funding you have accessed in line with the Student Privacy Notice. The project lead will be required to report back on the impact of the funding you have accessed, and you may be contacted by the Development & Alumni Relations Office following your engagement with this project to find out more about the difference it has made.

This data will only be used to contact you as part of the scheme and any protected characteristic data will only be used anonymously for our reports. As part of signing up we will also signpost you to some financial and wellbeing support.

If struggling financially or needing any advice, please contact our Advice Centre.

Find out more about period poverty.