Affected by what is happening in the news? Get support.

Girl reading a newspaper

At the Students’ Union we understand that you may be feeling deeply affected by what is happening in the news and more widely, the world. Whether it’s the situation between Russia and Ukraine, the latest COVID figures, or the rising cost of living and energy prices. For some, staying updated with the news helps them understand what is going on, but for others taking a break from the media may be the best thing for their mental health. Either way there is no shame in doing what is best for you.

We think it is important to remember that the media is not necessarily an accurate representation of reality and could change our perception of what is occurring. For instance, we all know that news tends to cover disasters, problems and negative things that have happened, because positive stories aren’t considered ‘news’. This means we rarely stop to think about just how much negative media we might be consuming. Not everyone will be affected by consuming negative media, but in a time where it can seem like there is never any good news, it’s important to consider what might be impacting our mental health and how to make sure we take the time out to recharge.

Not only are we trying to process the changes resulting from the Corona virus pandemic, but as a student you’re also trying to stay on top of your university work, balance finances, housing, family, friends, relationships, and the list goes on! We know it’s hard and if you’re struggling, we encourage you to make use of the support services your Students’ Union and Sheffield Hallam University have on offer for you.

Your first point of call is always your support triangle (your three advisors)

Are your concerns related to your work? Contact your Academic Advisor.

Do you have personal circumstances impacting your life? Your Student Support Advisor is the one to talk to.

Worried about employability? Talk to your Employability Advisor.

There are other services that can help with more specific issues

Need disability support? Disabled Student Support can help.

If you have been affected by hate crime or discrimination resulting from the current conflict, you can report it and get support for it at Report & Support.

There are more general help and advice services

If you feel like you might need more ongoing support for your wellbeing, contact the university Student Wellbeing Service.

If you need free independent advice concerning your individual circumstances, contact the Students’ Union Advice Centre, or come by in the drop-in hours advertised on the website.

And don’t forget peer support services

If you just need to talk to someone who knows what its like to be a student you can email, instant message, or call Nightline. Nightline is a free, confidential, non-advisory, student-led listening service that is similar to the Samaritans.

Finally, if you just need a chat or somewhere to go, you can always contact your Students’ Union.

We know being a student in the current climate is not easy, and we are all here to support you.

Your Student Rights Team.
