LGBTQ+ History Month - How to be a good ally

As part of LGBTQ+ History Month, we're looking into ways people can be a good ally to the LGBTQ+ community. Whether you want to be there for a friend or relative, or just make sure you're doing the right thing, here are our tips:

Respect pronouns and names

This isn't difficult but it's an issue so many trans people face. If someone you know has changed the way they want to be addressed, respect that, learn them and be kind.

Listen to and understand people

Make sure you're being a good listener. Don't make assumptions, not everyone has experienced the same things, make an effort to understand what you're being told.

Be there for your friends

Whether they need someone to talk to, some company or a friend to accompany them somewhere so they feel safer, just being there for someone can mean a lot.

Check out media made for and by queer people

As an easy way to support the community, have a look at the media made by them - it can help you understand their experiences and it helps support careers.

Be anti-discrimination

We get that sometimes confrontation can be hard and those who discriminate won't always be reasoned with - we ask that if you can, say something and make it clear it's not right. The safety and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ people is paramount and shutting out discrimination helps. When, for whatever reason, you can't confront this behaviour, do your bit in other ways by helping out and uplifting marginalised voices.

Brush up on your terms

Be aware of the right kind of language but understand identity can be fluid and not everyone feels the same, also be aware of what language isn't ok so you don't use it.

Remember there's more to LGBTQ+ than L and G

This is so important, people often get left out or don't feel included. If you want to be an ally, embrace the entire community.